豊国三代 / 誂織当世島

SKU: C26053
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年代 : 弘化1 - 4年
サイズ : 大判
刷 : 優良
保存 : 良
詳細 : 少汚れ




Date : 1844 - 47
Size : O-ban
Impression : Very good
Condition : Good
Detail : Slight browning

This series combines beauties and various stripes.

ToyokuniⅢ was a student of Toyokuni. He first took the name Kunisada, and in 1844 he took the name ToyokuniⅡ. (In fact, Toyoshige had already succeeded ToyokuniⅡ, but ToyokuniⅢ also took the name of Toyokuni Ⅱ at that time, perhaps intending to make himself more suitable. Today, He is treated as the third generation to distinguish between them.)
ToyokuniⅢ had a long period of painting, and some articles thought he produced more than 10,000 works. He was primarily known for depicting people, including portraits of actors and beautiful women. His number of works and popularity suggest that he dominated the Edo Ukiyoe world.

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