広重 / 東都名所 日本橋雪中

SKU: C26018
タグ: 雪景  
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年代 : 天保11 - 13年
サイズ : 大判
刷 : 優良
保存 : 良
詳細 : マージンに小虫穴補修 / 少ヤケ / 胡粉散らし / 一部に薄み




Date : 1840 - 42
Size : O-ban
Impression : Very good
Condition : Good
Detail : Restored small wormholes on margin / Slight soiling / Gofun pigment / Partial thinning

This piece shows a panoramic view of the Nihombashi Bridge, with the town of Edo covered in snow at the back. The people who pass by the bridge at a brisk pace are all cold, their shoulders hunched, and their steps quick. In order to depict the heavy snowfall, the publisher used the technique of sprinkling gofun powder.

Hiroshige was born in 1776, the son of Ando Genemon, a fireman on the Yashirosu river bank in Edo. He loved painting from an early age and became a student of Utagawa Toyohiro at the age of 15. At first, Hiroshige painted beauties and portraits of actors. He became famous as a popular painter by creating numerous landscapes, starting with his "Famous Places of the Eastern Capital" series.

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