芳年 / 風俗三十二相 にくらしさう

SKU: C24142
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年代 : 明治21年
サイズ : 大判
刷 : 良
保存 : 良
詳細 : 小虫穴 / 少滲み


芳年(天保10 - 明治25年)は、幕末から明治前期にかけて活動した浮世絵師。


Date : 1888
Size : O-ban
Impression : Good
Condition : Good
Detail : Small wormholes / Slight browning

"32 Conventional Aspects" is Yoshitoshi's masterpiece of that depicted ladies of the Meiji era and was published from 1888.
The theme of this series is the diverse expressions of women. The works under the title "~So" depict women with rich expressions that are rarely seen in Ukiyo-e of the Edo period. The "thirty-two phases" is a Buddhist term that counts the outstanding physical features of a Buddha, and although beauty paintings that compare women to these phases have been produced since the Edo period, Yoshitoshi's works show a modern perspective that is not bound by the typical expression of beauty painting.

The word "相 (so)" in the title describes the state of a person, and in Japanese, it is attached to an adjective to indicate what state a person is in. In English, the expression would be "looks like~." In this series, 32 different facial expressions were shown with the play on words "~so. (Looks like~.)."

Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839 - 92) was a Ukiyo-e artist who was active from the end of the Tokugawa shogunate to the Meiji era.
He created various artworks, and we can see his unique expression styles in each genre of the works.
He was one of the most essential and famous Ukiyo-e artists in the Meiji era and had many pupils who became famous in the Japanese and Western fields. Sometimes he is called "The last Ukiyo-e artist."
Many writers also loved him, such as Tanizaki Junichiro, Mishima Yukio, and Edogawa Ranpo. Moreover, the beautiful and fascinating artworks that were kept creating even though he was in a mental disorder enthralled people worldwide.

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