広重 / 名所江戸百景 深川万年橋

SKU: C24016
タグ: 富士山   名所江戸百景   動物  
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年代 : 安政4年
サイズ : 大判
刷 : 優良(初刷)
保存 : 良
詳細 : 左に付マージン




Date : 1857
Size : O-ban
Impression : Very good(First edition)
Condition : Good
Detail : Repaired margin (Left side)

The hit series of Ukiyo-e "One Hundred Famous Views of Edo", was first published from 1856-1859, including several of the Ukiyo-e masterpieces by Hiroshige. Hiroshige began this project at the age of sixty, and in it, captured many charming scenes of the Edo era through very original, vertically-arranged compositions. Though he intended to create 100 images in the beginning, the overwhelming popularity of this series led the artist to produce a total of 118 prints over 3 years.

This work evokes the relationship between a tortoise, which is said to live for 10,000 years, and the name of the bridge, Mannen Bridge (Mannen means ten thousand years). In the Edo period (1603-1867), an event called Hojo-e, in which captured birds and fish were purchased and then released again to pray for the repose of the dead and their own posterity, was held at temples and shrines. This turtle is probably for that purpose as well.

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