広重 / 名所江戸百景 四ツ木通用水引ふね

SKU: C19033
タグ: 名所江戸百景  
年代 : 安政4年
サイズ : 大判
刷 : 良
保存 : 良
詳細 : 端折


Date : 1857
Size : O-ban
Impression : Good
Condition : Good
Detail : Side fold

The towboats are being pulled up against the river flow. The attractive depiction of the dynamically curved river is filling the whole space of this print. "Hikifune" in the title is to pull up the boat which is in the river by human hands from the land route. This river was called "Hikifune River", and it remains as the place name and the station name.
The hit series of Ukiyo-e "One Hundred Famous Views of Edo", published from 1856-1859, including several of the Ukiyo-e masterpieces by Hiroshige. Hiroshige began this project at the age of sixty, and in it, captured many charming scenes of the Edo era through very original, vertically-arranged compositions. Though he intended to create only 100 works, in the beginning, the overwhelming popularity of this series led the artist to produce a total of 118 prints over 3 years.