国政四代 / 大川端箱夫殺 花井阿梅の略伝

SKU: C26142
価格 ¥60,000
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年代 : 明治21年
サイズ : 大判3枚続
刷 : 良
保存 : 良
詳細 : 小虫穴 / マージンに欠け

※待合: 主に芸妓との遊興や飲食を目的として利用された貸座敷
※箱屋: 座敷に向かう芸妓に同行する付き人のような存在



Date : 1888
Size : O-ban / Triptych
Impression : Good
Condition : Good
Detail : Small wormholes / Missing part on margin

The murder case by Hanai Oume became a hot topic because Oume was a beautiful geiko (licensed prostitute), and at the trial, the auditorium was packed and onlookers thronged the streets to get a glimpse of Oume.
Oume learned the art under her adoptive father and eventually became a popular geiko because of her good character. Later, she began to help out at the waiting room* opened by her biological father. However, she and her father did not get along well, and they quarreled and she ran away from home. Oume eventually returned to reconcile with her father, but when she asked Minekichi of Hakoya* to mediate, he did not agree, and Oume's hatred for Minekichi, who was always on her father's side, reached its peak, leading her to stab him to death with a knife. There are various theories as to how the incident occurred. Some say that Minekichi threatened Oume with a kitchen knife, demanding that she become his woman instead of interceding, and that the two struggled and accidentally killed him. Oume was eventually convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment, and even after her incarceration, her movements were the focus of much attention.
*Waiting room: A rental room used mainly for entertainment and eating/drinking with geiko.
*Hakoya: A kind of valet who accompanies a geiko on her way to the tatami room.

KunimasaⅣ is one of the pupils of ToyokuniⅢ.
After ToyokuniⅢ's death, he learned the painting from KunisadaⅡ, and later, he took over Kunisada's name, Kochoro. Finally, after 1889, he changed his name again to Hosai.
He mainly painted Kaika-e, Yakusha-e, and specialized in portraits of Ichikawa Sadanji I. He also painted many genre paintings.

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