Yoshitoshi / Bottom of the Bucket That Lady Chiyo Filled Has Fallen out the Moon Has No Home in the Water, 100 Aspects of the Moon

SKU: C26107
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年代 : 明治22年
サイズ : 大判
刷 : 良
保存 : 良
詳細 : 校合摺とのセット / 少汚れ

「月百姿」は芳年が明治18 - 25年に発表した全100点の月をテーマとした作品である。8年を掛けて完結し、明治25年6月の芳年の死の直後に100作品に目録と序文を添えた画帖が発売された。幅広い画題と多彩な画風を駆使して描かれ、芳年の最後の大作・代表作の一つと評価されている。版元は滑稽堂秋山武右衛門である。

芳年(天保10 - 明治25年)は、幕末から明治前期にかけて活動した浮世絵師。


Date : 1889
Size : O-ban
Impression : Good
Condition : Good
Detail : Set with Key-block Outlines print / Slight browning

During 1885 - 1892, Yoshitoshi produced a series of 100 moon-themed prints entitled "100 Aspects of the Moon". The project took eight years to complete.
Just after Yoshitoshi's death, the combined album that includes 100 artworks with the table of contents and preface, in June 1892.
The works were created using a wide variety of subjects and styles, and are regarded as one of Yoshitoshi's last major works and masterpieces. It was printed by Akiyama Buemon, a publisher of the Kokkei-Do.

Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839 - 92) was a Ukiyo-e artist who was active from the end of the Tokugawa shogunate to the Meiji era.
He created various artworks, and we can see his unique expression styles in each genre of the works.
He was one of the most essential and famous Ukiyo-e artists in the Meiji era and had many pupils who became famous in the Japanese and Western fields. Sometimes, he is called "The last Ukiyo-e artist."
Many writers also loved him, such as Tanizaki Junichiro, Mishima Yukio, and Edogawa Ranpo. Moreover, the beautiful and fascinating artworks that were kept creating even though he was in a mental disorder enthralled people worldwide.

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