Koson / Little Egret in a Willow Tree in the Rain

SKU: C25169
Tag: Animal   Rain scene  
Price ¥150,000
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年代 : 明治後期
サイズ : 大短冊
刷 : 優良
保存 : 優良
詳細 : -




Date : c. 1901 - 45
Size : O-tanzaku
Impression : Very good
Condition : Very good
Detail : -

A little egret is flying in the heavy rain.
The wind blows the egret up under its wings, but it seems to have already found its destination. The carefully applied gradations down to the thin legs are also impressive.

Koson studied Japanese painting under Suzuki Kanon, who specialized in flower-and-bird paintings. After that, under Ernest Fenollosa, he began to produce flower-and-bird paintings under the name Koson. He is thought to have started producing woodblock prints around 1905. The artist's name changed from "Koson" at Daikokuya during the Meiji period to "Shoson" at Watanabe Print Shop during the Showa period and to "Hoson," mainly at Sakai Kawaguchi.
Koson produced more than 500 works during his lifetime, but at the time of publication, the majority of his work was in demand outside Japan, and he was not a well-known painter in Japan. In recent years, exhibitions have been held in Japan, and there is growing momentum for a reappraisal.

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