Yoshitora / Shiba Zojo-ji Temple, New Selection of Famous Places in Edo

SKU: C23103
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年代 : 安政2年
サイズ : 大判
刷 : 良
保存 : 良
詳細 : 綴穴 / マージンに小虫穴 / 少汚れ



Date : 1855
Size : O-ban
Impression : Good
Condition : Good
Detail : Binding holes / Small wormholes on margin / Slight browning

Yoshitora was one of the pupils of Kuniyoshi and was active from the end of the Edo era to the Meiji era. In 1968, he became the second artist in the Ukiyo-e artist ranking, and it tells us that he had actually been known in the Ukiyo-e field.
He had especially been known for his artwork of the depictions of the new culture which came from overseas and the scenery of Yokohama, which thrived as an international town. In the era, general citizens hadn't seen the actual western cultures, architecture from foreign countries, and fashions so people could know it from Ukiyo-es.

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