国芳 / 本朝武勇鏡 源義経 武蔵坊弁慶

SKU: C20069
価格 ¥70,000
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年代 : 天保14 - 弘化4年
サイズ : 大判2枚続
刷 : 優良
保存 : 良
詳細 : 薄い中折 / 綴穴補修


Date : 1843 - 47
Size : O-ban / Diptych
Impression : Very good
Condition : Good
Detail : Lightly centerfold / Restored binding holes

Kuniyoshi was one of the pupils of Toyokuni and was a late bloomer than Kunisada and other pupils.
Around the Bunsei-period, he published "108 Heroes of the Popular Suikoden", and it created a sensation and it made him popular. He was called "Warrior-painter-Kuniyoshi", and he became one of the most popular Ukiyo-e artists.
Since then, he had created various attractive artworks that excelled in high drawing techniques, fascinated composition sense, and fantastic ideas and characters, without sticking to the framework of the Ukiyo-e.