春汀 / 美人十二ヶ月 名月

SKU: C25107
タグ: 夜景  
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年代 : 明治31年
サイズ : 大判3枚続
刷 : 良
保存 : 良
詳細 : 少汚れ / マージンに少ヤブレ





Date : 1898
Size : O-ban / Triptych
Impression : Good
Condition : Good
Detail : Slight browning / Slight tears on the margin

Three carry a Fire of Bon (*) down a small hill.
The girl is hurrying the woman, who is carefully carrying her feet so that the fire does not go out, which is heartwarming.
The mother’s gaze stops at the moon beyond the river, her expression gentle as if she has remembered memories.

*At the beginning of the Bon Festival period, people light the souls of their ancestors on these fires and take them home with a paper lantern, spend a little time with them, and then send them off again on the fire.

“Twelve Months of Beauty” is a series of 12 triptychs in the soft impression typical of Shuntei. The customs of women who are enjoying the seasons are carefully depicted.

Shuntei came to the capital, Tokyo, in 1890 to learn painting from Eisen as a pupil.
He was good at painting people, especially children and ladies, with a soft brush touch. He created many of the works of the illustrations of magazines and novels.

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